ࡱ>  WFbjbj Rcc=%b b d#z:(rG<GG xyzyzyzyzyzyzy0}syG~FrGGGyHe+yHHHGRxyHGxyHH`sXM6lwlmS Ht(dyy0zt5H5PlwHlwwGGGyyHGGGzGGGG5GGGGGGGGGb + :   Class Syllabus for 7th Grade Integrated Science  Teacher: Mrs. Arras 503-916-5646 karras@pps.net Website: /Page/8060 Grades:  HYPERLINK "https://parent-portland.cascadetech.org/portland/" https://parent-portland.cascadetech.org/portland/ SCIENCE GOALS Integrated Science 7th graders will study integrated science. Below you will find the name of the units we will complete as well as a few of the topics we will learn about in each unit. Erosion & Deposition: topography, erosion, deposition, landforms Plate Tectonics: Earths history, earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, Earths structure Ecology: introduced species, competition, predation, relationships within an ecosystem Studying Materials Scientifically: lab safety, handling hazardous materials, properties of substances, density, identifying unknown substances The Chemistry of Materials: physical and chemical properties, elements and compounds, the Periodic Table, chemical reactions, conservation of mass SUCCESS IN SCIENCE Throughout middle èƵ, èƵ are asked to take more responsibility for their learning. This means the focus shifts toward teaching and reinforcing what the student is capable of doing by him/herself. The following lays out what èƵ can do to be successful in my class and in all classes, as well as what supports I will provide to assist èƵ in becoming self-reliant. Student ResponsibilitiesTeacher ResponsibilitiesStay engaged. Share your ideas. Set goals for growth. Bring supplies to class. Look over notebook and study every night. Ask for help when you need it. Complete all assignments on time. Work productively both alone and in groups. Regularly keep track of daily assignments and due dates in student planner. Manage your time so that you complete èƵwork in addition to your extracurricular activities. Maintain an open mind! BELIEVE YOU CAN LEARN THROUGH HARD WORK AND PERSEVERANCE!!!Post assignments on board daily. Model planner use. Give clear, written directions for all major assignments with due dates. Give dedicated time for writing in planner daily. Provide a system to get missing work when èƵ are absent or lost their handouts. Model skills èƵ are expected to learn. Provide opportunities for èƵ to work together. Create and maintain a physically and emotionally safe environment. Give detailed feedback through grades and rubrics to èƵ on their progress in content, skills, and effort. BELIEVE STUDENTS CAN LEARN ANYTHING! CLASSWORK Science Notebook: I will provide each student with a science notebook. Students will need to bring it to class every day. If èƵ lose the notebook, they will be charged $5 for a new one. Students science notebooks will be a crucial part of their success in science this year. Everyday we will write in our notebooks about what we do and learn, as well as questions, vocabulary, and reflections. The notebook will be graded for effort and as a scientific practice, and will be an important resource when it comes time to study for tests and quizzes. Textbook: There is a textbook that goes along with this course, but it will not be checked out to èƵ. Students can check it out from the library for one night at a time. They will be used as a resource in class, and on occasion èƵ may receive pages photocopied for an assignment. Therefore, it will be important that èƵ keep their science notebooks up to date and complete. The textbook is available for checkout on CD in English and Spanish. The CD will allow you to download the textbook on your computer. The student text is also available online at  HYPERLINK "https://portals.lab-aids.com/login.htm?tenant=labaids" https://portals.lab-aids.com/login.htm?tenant=labaids Your childs username and password will be written in the inside cover of their notebook. HOMEWORK I will periodically assign an analysis question for èƵ to complete as homework. Sometimes it will be due the next day, and sometimes later. Students will be given the due date when it is assigned, and will be provided with time to record the homework in their planner at that time. Students will also receive a rubric explaining how to complete the assignment proficiently, which we will go over when the assignment is given. Students are encouraged to use the rubric as a check list. STUDYING Studying is not something that happens the night before a quiz or test. It is something that èƵ do every night, because daily studying is far more effective in helping èƵ store knowledge in their long-term memories. In science class, èƵ are expected to reflect on their learning each night by completing the learning target (1/2 sheet of colored paper in their notebook), and be reviewing vocabulary using the techniques we have practiced in class. Students have a handout in their appendix which explains how to study in science class. Additionally, study strategies that are effective across disciplines include: Review vocabulary by rewriting terms, drawing pictures, creating flashcards, teaching a parent, or writing a song with your words. Reviewing and clarifying notes from the day. Using notes to guide homework completion. Writing short summaries of learning. Generating study questions based on the learning goals for that day. MEETING THE NEEDS OF DIVERSE LEARNERS Our curriculum has many strategies embedded in it to address the needs of diverse learners. Students with Learning Disabilities: Hands-on activities provide concrete experiences. Optional student sheets provide step-by-step procedures for open-inquiry labs. Literacy strategies support improvement of reading comprehension and writing skills. Discussion strategies facilitate communication. Scoring guides state clear assessment goals. English-language Learners: Vocabulary is introduced with operational definitions that connect concepts to learning experiences. 4-2-1 cooperative groupings encourage student interactions in an unthreatening environment. Discussion strategies enhance speaking and listening skills. Literacy strategies strengthen reading and writing skills. Academically Gifted Students: Issues stimulate evaluation of problems in real-world contexts. Lab activities encourage èƵ to design complex investigations. Scoring guides challenge èƵ to demonstrate their depth of understanding. Extension activities encourage in-depth inquiry into related topics. If you feel like your needs as a learner are not being met, please email me or talk to me in person outside of class. I want you to feel challenged but able to be successful at the same time. I encourage you to be an active participant in your education by advocating for yourself! TARDY and GUM POLICIES Gum chewing is not allowed at Mt. Tabor Middle School. If a student is observed chewing gum, he/she will be asked to spit it out. If they dont, they will be given a detention. It is important you be in your seat ready to learn when the bell rings. If you are tardy, I will follow the èƵ policy, which is: 1st time tardy in a quarter Warning 2nd time tardy in a quarter Warning 3rd and 4th time tardy in a quarter Detention 5th time and thereafter Referral to SMS BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS The following rules apply to all people in our class at all times. They are necessary for everyone to feel safe and to learn as much as possible. Come prepared, and be in your seat and working when the bell rings. Respect yourself, your peers, your teacher, and your surroundings. Pay attention, participate and ask questions. Put forth your best effort learning before grades, quality before just getting it done. Follow all directions quickly the first time they are given. If you violate a rule, you will be assigned a consequence. The following may occur: Warning Time out (either in the classroom or to another classroom) Detention & Parent Contact Referral If you ever have a question or concern about rules or consequence, please feel free to talk to me after èƵ, before èƵ, or at lunch. GRADING This year your child will receive a proficiency grade for science on his/her report card. Progress reports and assignments will be available online the district online grade book. Students will earn one of the following marks: MarkAlso CalledWhat it MeansHighly ProficientHP or 4Exceeds expectations. Student has mastered content at a very high level.ProficientPR or 3Meets expectations. NOT synonymous with a grade of C or just average.Close to ProficientCP or 2Almost meets expectations, but some aspect(s) of the expectations have not been met. Developing ProficiencyDP or 1Student may be meeting some aspects of the expectations, but there are significant gaps. More work is necessary to become proficient. The science grade will be calculated from assignments in three categories: knowledge and understanding, science and engineering practices, and personal management.  Overall Grade Breakdown  Personal Management Effort, teamwork and preparedness  Science & Engineering Practices Skills scientists and engineers use regularly  Knowledge & Understanding Content and concepts we learn in class Personal Management EFFORT (1%) Personal management is a students ability to plan for and begin working on tasks, complete work correctly and on time, to take responsibility for their actions, to attend class regularly and on time, and to interact with all members of our learning community with respect. All homework will contribute to èƵ grade in this area, as well as our daily science notebook work, and a students attitude, timeliness, preparedness, and behavior. Students who excel in personal management will excel in èƵing and will achieve. Personal management is counted at 1% so that synergy will calculate a grade so that we can see the effort the student is putting into the course. This will help us when reflecting on our progress and setting goals. Knowledge and Understanding (65%) Knowledge and Understanding is èƵ knowledge of science concepts. Assignments that may be graded for achievement include: tests, quizzes, essay questions, some labs, and homework accuracy. In most cases èƵ will be given an opportunity to correct their original assignment, and if it was a test or quiz, to retake it for a revised grade. Some assessments are closed-notebook, and some are not. Students will be notified in advance of any test or quiz as to the content that will be on it and what the policies will be for it. Science and Engineering Practices (34%) The science and engineering practices are described above and on the NGSS website. In short, they are skills that scientists and engineers employ regularly in their fields, and which are necessary, in addition to content knowledge, for success. These skills will be modeled and practiced in class. They will be assessed primarily through homework assignments, which will be accompanied by a rubric with detailed descriptors of different levels of achievement. Other Assignment Information: Late Work Work that is turned in late will result in a èƵ grade in Personal Management being reduced. Dishonesty Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. You will not receive credit for work that is not your own. Absences If you are absent, you are responsible for checking the website calendar to find out what you missed, for checking the extra papers crate to collect your assignments, and for completing missed work. See me for help! Correcting Graded Work Students are encouraged to continue working on graded work to improve it. The most important reason èƵ should consistently do this is to use the information Ive given them on the scored work to increase their understanding of the skill or concept. If they are unsure of how or what to do, they should ask me before èƵ, after èƵ, during lunch, or peer tutoring during lunch. Students will be allowed to redo all assessments for increased credit except for unit tests. Grade Updates I will update grades as quickly as I can after work has been turned in. You can expect, at a minimum, that work will be graded by a week after its turn in. For Final Report Card Grade: At the teacher's discretion, final grades can be adjusted based on score trends over the quarter. An example is if èƵ show improvement over the quarter. If they do, greater weight will be placed on the later scores that show a higher level of understanding and the final grade might be adjusted higher than the Synergy calculated grade. Getting Help! If you need help, it is your responsibility to get that help. Do not wait for the unit test to get help. You need help if: You do not understand the learning targets at the end of the lessons. You are getting a rubric score of 2 or less on analysis questions. You are getting less than 70% on quizzes. You dont understand what were learning in class. To get help, consider doing the following: Email me with a question or concern Arrange a time to meet with me during lunch for help Ask a friend for help Try to find an answer online NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE STANDARDS In the spring of 2014, Oregon adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as the science standards for Oregon. We are in the process of implementing the new standards. In addition to content standards, the NGSS require èƵ to be taught Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts. To learn more about the NGSS, please go to:  HYPERLINK "http://www.nextgenscience.org/three-dimensions" http://www.nextgenscience.org/three-dimensions. Below, please find a brief description of these two additional dimensions: Crosscutting Concepts: Crosscutting concepts have application across all domains of science. As such, they are a way of linking the different domains of science. (NGSS website link above) They include: Patterns Cause and effect Scale, proportion and quantity Systems and system models Energy and matter: flows, cycles and conservation Structure and function Stability and change Connections to Engineering, Technology, and Application of Science Connections to Nature of Science Science and Engineering Practices: The practices describe behaviors that scientists engage in as they investigate and build models and theories about the natural world and the key set of engineering practices that engineers use as they design and build models and systems. (NGSS website link above) These practices are: Asking questions & defining problems Developing & using models Planning & carrying out investigations Analyzing & interpreting data Using mathematics & computational thinking Constructing explanations & designing solutions Engaging in argument from evidence Obtaining, evaluating & communicating information Connections to Nature of Science IMPLEMENTATION OF NGSS We will learn and be assessed on content and practices this year in èƵ. The content and practices will be assessed in tests, quizzes, and analysis questions. The crosscutting concepts will not be assessed, but will be integrated through the unit questions and projects. For example, in our unit, Forces and Motion, one of our unit questions is, How can we apply our understanding of physics to design safer cars and roads? The crosscutting concept is like the lens we view the content through, and in this case it is structure and function. We will be creating crash test cars with different structures and testing how that affects their function.      PAGE 2  PAGE 3 Please email me with any questions or concerns and I will get back to you within 24 hours! 1% of grade 34% of grade 65% of grade '(01;IJV\bprt{~|qf[fOC8h5|hOJQJhkh5OJQJhkh>95OJQJhkhOJQJhkh>9OJQJhkholOJQJhkh@f B*OJQJphhkh@f OJQJhkh@f 5OJQJjhXUmHnHuhkh&5CJ OJQJaJ h&5CJ OJQJaJ "hkh@f 5CJ H*OJQJaJ hkh>95CJ OJQJaJ hkh@f 5CJ OJQJaJ 023JZst  + > + q    gdX & Fgd@f  & FgdX & Fgd% dgd& ^`gd@f gd@f $a$gd@f     + 5 ̷w\wwL<0h%5:>*OJQJhkh@f 5CJOJQJaJhkh>95CJOJQJaJ4jh&h&B*CJOJPJQJUph%h&h&B*CJOJPJQJph.jh&h&B*CJOJPJQJUph(h&h>95B*CJOJPJQJph(h4h t5B*CJOJPJQJph$h4h t5B*CJOJQJphhkh@f OJQJhkhOJQJhkhOJQJ5 > ? 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